Why did I become a Doterra Customer?
I became a Doterra customer after months of research. Choosing them for many reasons but mostly because of their purity and integrity. I was 100% confident I was making the best choice. I didn’t take becoming a customer lightly. These oils are pricey and if I was going to spend big bucks I wanted to learn and use them. In my research I became following several different FB groups, I was drawn to one specific group. The amazing person running this group was a super passionate girl! Truly, I bugged her so much before pulling the trigger. But she answered all my questions and educated me at every turn.
I wanted to share this with you because I want you to know I understand it is not that easy to decide. Skip forward to 1 MONTH later after ordering my little family essentials kit, our home was SOLD. We had literally made over our medicine cabinet and our cleaning supplies in the first 30 days. Getting rid of all OTC and 2 prescriptions meds. Our decision was officially made at the 30 day mark that I was going to start my business. What my now amazing friend Kelsey (now our Doterra Diamond) had taught me without even knowing it was I wanted to be an oil educator and help others discover these powerful natural solutions and maybe pay for my newfound passion.
AND the rest is history….or just the beginning
Well it took off and I was teaching and sharing at every turn. I started a FB page, a blog I opened my home to teach and show everyone how amazing they were. Sometimes sharing with complete strangers in the store when I heard where I could help. My favorite thing in the beginning was seeing people sleep YES sleep some who had not had a good night sleep in months even year. Others who were taking prescriptions and were able to get off them. There was the digestive issues and the muscular discomfort. I had natural solutions for them all. Even non believers were coming around. Let us move on to why I am writing this specific blog.
There are 1000’s of people who sell Doterra so why should you choose to be on my team and enroll under me?
Did you know you don’t have to know me personally or live in my state to become my customer. You will exact same attention as if you lived next door to me.
I talk to a lot of people who have signed up under someone and never heard from them again.
With just a few simple questions I will help you chose the most cost effective way to start. Not making you buy things you don’t need.
You will have access to several FB boards to ask questions and get educated
You will get amazing info to get off to the very best start (safety, uses, where to buy supplies, where to apply)
How and why to make inhalers, Rollerballs, scrubs, cleaning products, and more.
Access to me and my team for any and all questions.
FB LIVE and Zoom Classes as well as in person if you are located close.
Zoom or phone conversations as needed.
Tools to get you started.
You will never be pressured to buy certain things or amounts.
I will teach you how to take advantage of the Loyalty rewards program and let you decide if that works for you. Never questioning if you change your mind in the future.
If you ever want to do like I did and pay for your oils and start your own business I will 100% support you but I promise to NEVER ask you to do that.
Here are a few things people have said that signed up with me.

If you have been thinking about Oils and want to get started with an amazing group of people we would love to have you.
Here’s all the info you need to get started. https://www.alwaysonyoursidecoaching.com/general-7
Everyone who becomes my customer will get off to the very best start. You will receive the Essential oil basics book, education on safety and everything you need to know so you can get started the minute your oils arrive!
Need help choosing your best kit text me at 720-231-8763 or email me at livingnaturallyessentially@gmail.com with what you are looking for (sleep, discomfort, energy or stress management?) I will happily help you choose.
I would love to be your support system for a whole new natural lifestyle with Doterra Essential Oils
Live a life you love
