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Sometimes you have to set Boundaries or so I am told.

Writer's picture: Paris HeinenParis Heinen

We live in a world of instant gratification.

Technology did this to us.  Remember the days we would check our emails at work and answer them the next day?  Now if we don’t hear an answer or a response in 30 seconds we worry or think I wonder why they are mad at me?  It causes great stress in our lives on both sides.  It was recently brought to my attention by my inner circle that I don’t have to answer every email, PM, text, phone call in a minutes time and I need to set boundaries.

Really?  I thought but then people will think I don’t care.   I remember my mom telling my dad if she didn’t stay on me about my homework I would think she didn’t care. My dad said let her fail she will have to answer to it not you.  Looking back either way I probably wasn’t going to do my homework and she was more stressed than I ever was.

Last weekend, as if trying to prove something to myself, I turned off my phone for a whole day.....a whole day.  GUESS WHAT the world did not end and no one quit on me.  Proving my people’s  point.  But  how do you go about it. You are the only one who can set these boundaries and you have to do it.  Time to figure out what we need to set Boundaries on.

Men and women are super different when it comes to boundaries.  For most men (not all.....don’t get all defensive) only have issues saying no to work and jobs.  Women on the other hand can’t seem to say no to anyone (often volunteering their partners too) WITHOUT having an excuse and if they don’t have one they will fold and do whatever is needed for whoever needs them even if it means giving up something they had planned to do for themselves.  Learn to say NO with no explanation.

So what is dominating your time?

Technology: FB, email, texting

Time to clear out the junk that keeps coming to your emails.  You can manually unsubscribe . But take the time and do it.  Clear out your pictures, apps, etc. Delete anything that is weighing you down. Have set hours and only answer emails, etc during that time. Use the 1 hour method.

Family: kids, spouses, friends, family.

Learn to organize your family and use your time wisely.  Stop saying yes to everything.  Our children have no idea how to  relax and they need too.  Also teach them how important downtime and quiet time.  Help them understand everything does not happen in a millisecond. below I explain scheduling and how you can free up time for your family.

Work: Bosses, coworkers, employees.

Since Covid It seems no one leaves their work at work they answer the phone, emails and texts well into the night. WE have not created boundaries with a work schedule.  I am a business owner with large social media, texting, messages , emails and phone calls. My phone dings constantly.  I LOVE it!  But being an entrepreneur doesn’t mean I have to work 18 hours a day.  ( someone told me that I did not figure it out myself) I reminded my self that I can set business hours and I can only work during those hours. Do i always No but I can and I do 90% of the time. Also figuring out that if I am not available, others have the answers and will respond.

To Free Up Time have a Schedule.

I know everyone wants to be spontaneous. Lets be honest in this day and age that is unrealistic. The more planned we are the more we get done and the more time we free up for the things we love. Have a schedule and follow it for everyday chores and weekly chores.  Stick to it. It will free up so much time.  I know what days I shop, blog, clean, plan you get the picture. This is all on a dry erase board so I can see it and know what my day looks like.

After much discussion and soul searching the dry erase board was created. The most important thing that came out of it was set hours!  The world won’t end if I don’t answer an email or message until the morning. I shut down my iPad, phone and computer at 7 pm to all business. That was a HUGE step for me.

So I ask you where do you need to set boundaries in your life ?  Do it now.  Don’t just think about it.

Let me know what steps you are taking and let’s create boundaries so we can have freedom and more time for the things we love.

Need Help Setting Boundaries I am here to help.

Live a life you love ❤️



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