Part 3 of a 3 Part Series
Educating yourself before using Essential oils is so important. Using them properly will not only save you money but also you will get the right benefits from them. It is important that you use the very best quality oils when using them in all 3 ways. Aromatically, Topically and internally. You need to know you are getting 100% pure oils. To read more about why Doterra is the leader in Essential oil safety
Internal Use of Doterra Essential oils? Where to start.
There is a lot of different opinions about taking Essential oils internally. First things First and the most important advice I have to give you. NOT ALL OILS are safe to take INTERNALLY! You must be sure your oils are safe. I ONLY recommend Doterra oils and even some of those are not meant for internal use. How do you tell if it has a supplement facts label on the side of the doterra bottle. That means it is safe for internal use. Below you will find a list of oils that should not be taken internally.

Oils that should NEVER be take internally are.
Wintergreen, White Fir, Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Arborvitae.
Blends: Peace, Passion Cheer, Console, Forgive and Motivate. Breathe, Intune, Holiday Joy or Holiday Peace, Citrus Bliss, Elevation, Aromatouch, Terrashield, Serenity, Clear skin, Deep Blue, Past Tense, Clary Calm andWhisper.
Serenity is one most people think they can ingest. The oil is a no but the soft gels are very different. You of course can ingest the soft gels.
There are several reasons to ingest Doterra Essential oils.
Cellular support, digestive support, cardiovascular support, immunity support, tension management, sleep support.
Taking oils internally can be done several ways. A drop under your tongue, in a glass of water, in a soft gel or adding to a recipe. It really depends are if you want to taste them or not. Adding oils to water is a quick way to ge them in your system of under your tongue. When using soft gels I usually put a drop or 2 of the oils and then fill with olive oil as a carrier and tummy protector. NEVER use FCO (fractionated coconut oil) in gel caps it is not a consumable oil. Solid refined coconut oil can be ingested.
So lets talk about some oils to take for certain support?
Cellular Support:
DDR Prime, Frankincense, Wild Orange, Lemongrass, Thyme, Clove, Cinnamon and Sandal wood.
DDR Prime, CRS
Digestive Support
Digestzen, Ginger, Peppermint, Lemon, Zendocrine, Fennel
Digestzen gel caps, PB Assist, GX assist, Digestzentabs, Terryzyme, Zendocrine Gel caps
Digestive health is so very important to me I hope you will take a moment to read this previous Blog is this is a issue you would like to FIX NOW!
Cardiovascular Health
Lemongrass, Clary sage, Marjoram, helichrysum, lavender, juniper berry.
I make a capsule each morning with 2 drops of Marjoram and 2 drops of Lemongrass topped with EVOO for cardiovascular health.
LLV: Life Long Vitality Supplements
Immune Support
On Guard, Oregano, Melaleuca, rosemary, clove, Frankincense, lime, lavender, geranium, and thyme
On Guard soft gels, Mitomax, LLV.
There are literally hundreds of blends and mixes to take internally. Lemon in your water for detox daily. Frankincense under your tongue for overall protection. Lavender for calming and good sleep. Peppermint for head tension and tummy support. Here are a few gel caps we make up when we feel we need support.
Bad Bug Bomb
5 drops on Guard, 5 drops Melaleuca, 3 drops oregano top with EVOO
Protective Bomb
2 drops Copaiba, 2 drops Frankincense, 2 drops Digestzen top with EVOO
Seasonal Threat Bomb
2 peppermint, 2 lemon, 2 lavender top with EVOO
One last thing: Doterra has put a lot of these together for you and here is another link to teach you about these.
There are so o many blends and ways to relieve naturally. Why would you ever buy OTC. There’s an oil for everything.!!!!
Have questions? Ask away! Ready to get these beautiful natural solutions in your home?
Here’s all the info for you.
Live a Life you Love ❤
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.