Last night to ring in the New Year we brought out the Budget to see how well we had done in 2016. We both were quite surprised at how much our lives have changed. Looking at at several categories 1st because I was so curious Medical was #1 we had budgeted 3000.00 and we spent a mere 400.00 this included Eye care as well. We literally did not spend anything on OTC medicines or prescriptions. Let me share with you how these essential oils changed our lives.
2020 update
2020 update: we have no OTC’s in our home for over 4 years now and see our DR once a year for yearly check ups. Having found natural solutions to be just our way of life. I love sharing all the tips and tricks and would love to help you get oils in your home for your health and wellness.
Next was our household cleaning products.
Now we only use our oils baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and water to clean with Lemon, Tea Tree and Wild Orange Essential oils. We have saved hundreds of dollars in personal care, our skin care and hair care are all now DōTERRA and homemade. It has been an amazing 4 years.
Ready to make the Natural Switch?
I want to help you change your house hold as we have changed ours. Our household always asks “is there an Oil for that? ” before we go to the store. Are you curious and want to get these oils in your house? I would love to help make that happen. When you become my customer we offer ongoing education and lots of fun freebies.
How can I help you lead a more natural life style? These are just a few of the things we no longer buy.
If you are interested in learning more about essential oils and how you can begin your natural journey. Please reach out to me. Heres’ more info.
Live a Life you Love ❤
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.