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Goal setting what will work best for you? 📖🗓📆📝✅✅

Writer's picture: Coach Paris Coach Paris

Let’s talk goal setting. 

Whether you are after weight loss, organizing your home or office, building your business, saving money or working on a new exercise plan.  This time frame is perfect for it.  There is very little going on at this time of year.  Not a lot of money going out the door, not a lot of celebrations to over eat at.  The weather is good for starting an exercise plan, the routine is back for parents so they can take time for them selves.  Great time to clean out closets and drawers. Others may have more time to spend with you so your can build your business or connect with people.

Let’s talk 1st about goal setting as a whole.  It needs to be VERY specific and have a time frame.  Example I will exercise 3 times a week is a really weak goal.  I will walk for 30 minutes a day is better.  But I will walk for 30 minutes at 630 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday is perfect.  Even better put it on your calendar but we will talk more about that in a moment.

Alright here is where we start

Goal? (Specific remember)  Example: I want to save 500.00 in this 10 weeks I get paid every 2 weeks so that is 100.00 a paycheck.

What steps will it take? Cutting out dining out, coffee stops and strict grocery budget , turn off the lights, basic cable?  These are all ideas.

Why? What are you saving for?  A weekend get away I  don’t want to be strapped on the get away.

You need to get much more specific than I did above it is just a start.

Now lets talk about what Type of Goal setter you are.

This is a dry erase board you put your goal in the middle then everything you have to do to make it happen.

Vision Board: cut out words, pictures, stickers to inspire you to go after that goal.  Again BIG words on this board showing your goal.

Calendar it:  your goals on a calendar will help you get it done.  Research shows if it’s written (typed) down and on your schedule you are very unlikely to cancel it.

Journal it!  Write down all your goals. Then write down what you did to get closer to them each day/ week.

As you can see what I know the most is that GOALS must be visual.  Post it notes are awesome for this!

I think you also have to think of the people you may need help from and discuss your goals and how they can help.

Ready to set your goals? Ready to make a plan?  Don’t wait lets start NOW!  .  I would love to hear from you and what your goal setting personality is.  Let me know what your goals are.

I love to hear from you.

Live a Life you Love ❤️



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