Virtual Support & Groups

When I embarked on my weight loss journey, I vividly recall believing that I could achieve success independently, without requiring any assistance. However, I soon realized that relying solely on my own motivation didn't lead to the results I desired. Inevitably, I would find reasons to explain why my efforts were falling short and convince myself that I could always begin anew tomorrow.
Do you recognize this pattern within yourself?
For me, the turning point was embracing group meetings. The sense of accountability to others was a game-changer, and being part of a supportive community that genuinely cared about each other's well-being was immensely rewarding. It provided solace during times of perceived "failure," and witnessing others triumph inspired me – if they could do it, so could I!
Could you benefit from this kind of support?
Additionally, having a personal coach to confide in and discuss my weekly and monthly goals proved invaluable. They would delve into unexplored questions, shed light on potential obstacles, identify my strengths, and guide me on integrating them into my daily life. Knowing I had a dedicated 30 or 60 minutes where I could express myself, feel cared for, and be challenged carried me through both my weight loss journey and subsequent 20-year maintenance phase.
Do you yearn for that personalized coaching experience?
In our Virtual Support Groups, we don't prescribe rigid "diet plans." Instead, we're here to bolster you on whichever healthy eating path you choose. Our central themes encompass portion control, reducing saturated fats and sugar, and fostering nutritional mindfulness. Alongside this, we work on refining your mindset, enhancing overall self-care, and promoting physical activity. Our mission transcends mere "dieting"; we aspire to enrich all aspects of your life, making it more manageable, enjoyable, and aligned with your passions.
Does this resonate with your needs?
We enthusiastically invite you to join our remarkably supportive and nurturing community. In our groups, every member is nurtured, heard, engaged, and uplifted.
To foster meaningful connections, we cap our groups at 25 screens. This allows us to truly know one another and ensures everyone's participation. If this resonates with what you're seeking, please click the link below to explore the full array of group options and personalized coaching opportunities. Your journey towards holistic well-being awaits.
Class Schedule
Classes: all MST
Monthly Membership $40.00 per month
Weekly support groups (choose one) Limit 25 screens
Wednesday 9:30 am
Saturday 730 am
Saturday 900 am
Saturday 10:15 am
SUPPORT GROUP PLUS 1 On 1 (30 minute very strict)
Individual coaching
70.00 SG + One 30 minute session
If you choose to do more than one session a month it is just $30.00 per 30 min session
80.00 SG + One 45 Minute Session
If you choose more than one 1:1 session 40.00 per 45 minute session
$95.00 SG + 60 Minute session
If you choose to do more than one session a month it is just $55.00 per 60 min session
Choose your group and then we will set up a 30 or 60 minute session to set your goal for next month
Support Group Options
Virtual Weekly Support Groups:
This membership is offered on a monthly basis to provide mutual support, allowing participants to share their challenges and achievements in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. You'll have the opportunity to engage with me (your coach) and fellow members who are navigating similar journeys. Each week, we'll initiate discussions focused on aspects such as healthy dietary choices, physical activity, cultivating a positive mindset, and self-care practices. Our approach is not limited to any specific diet; rather, it is rooted in principles of low sugar intake, low-fat consumption, portion control, and our unique "Power 13" methodology. With various options, you can select a support group time that suits your schedule for weekly gatherings conducted over Zoom. We aim to maintain a class size of no more than 25 participants per session, ensuring a conducive environment for meaningful interactions.
Current Support Group Schedule (all times are in MST):
Wednesday: 9:30 am
Saturday: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:15 am
Investment for Monthly Sessions:
The cost for this valuable support is $40.00 per screen per month. Payment is due by the last day of each month. If you join mid-month, a prorated fee of $10.00 per remaining week will apply. For example, if there are 3 Tuesdays left in the month, the fee will be $30.00.
What's Included in Your Investment:
Your investment encompasses several benefits, including:
Access to the Power of 13 e-book and assessments.
Membership in a private Facebook group exclusively for AOYS members.
Weekly summaries of our group discussions.
Participation in weekly support group sessions.
Flexibility to request a Zoom link for an alternate support group if you miss your scheduled session.
Monthly Maintenance Support Group ($15.00):
This additional support option is open to everyone, regardless of whether you've reached your goal weight. The focus is on discussing the challenges and strategies of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, coupled with celebrating your milestones. Within this welcoming and enjoyable group, we set and track monthly goals, fostering accountability and growth.
Feel free to reach out and join us on this journey towards better health and well-being. Your participation is wholeheartedly encouraged and valued!